Da Vinci

Project information

  • Category: Print Design
  • Client: Artist's & Craftsman
  • Project date: Spring 2023

Artist's & Craftsman Re-branding

In my final semester of college, we were presented a project with a task of re-branding an already existing business. Along with the re-branding, we also were required to produce multiple assets to support a marketing campaign. I decided on the widely known Madison art store, Artist’s & Craftsman. My approach was to try and combine the history of art with our modern world. My first thought was “Da Vinci would’ve shopped here if he lived in our times.” First I designed a large poster as one of the first assets of the marketing campaign, a sort of cyberpunk Da Vinci. From there, I included Rembrandt, and Michelangelo. Once I had the main concept realized I tackled the logo. The logo needed to stick with that traditional historical side of the concept but it needed to have neat and clean lines to keep it on par with today’s design trends. I first came up with initials, a free flowing hand drawn type with crisp, clean lines. Next, I thought there should be a full lock up logo to support the initials. This was a more simple task, a script text paired with a san serif to complete the contrast of the concept.