Beats Audio ad series
Beats Audio ad series
Beats Audio ad series

Project information

  • Category: Print Design
  • Client: Beats Audio
  • Project date: Fall 2022

Science on the Square

The main purpose of this ad series was to work alongside a photography student to team up for a product shoot and complete an ad series. I chose Beats Audio as the product to be shot and used my personal headphones as the subject. My first step in figuring out the concept of the series was the slogan. I used these headphones daily while I was in college and they did a fantastic job of canceling out every noise that can fill a campus hallway, cafeteria, or gym. The concept behind the series was using imagery to speak to the ability the headphones have and cancelling out any unwanted noise. With a loud and busy scene on the left, quiet background and subtle type on the right, with the headphones splitting the image down the middle. The exceptional job these headphones perform, they needed a complimenting ad series and the contrast of the composition speaks to what these headphones can do for you. Whether it be the city streets, the subway, or the cafe. Beats audio will only let you hear what you want to hear.