Colombian Cozy
Colombian Cozy
Colombian Cozy

Project information

  • Category: Print Design
  • Client: Stumptown Roasters
  • Project date: Fall 2022

Colombian Cozy Packaging

This little project was done in my Illustration class in college. The professor of the class is a coffee afficianado so naturally, a coffee bag design was one of the assignments. Initially my first idea was to do a mosaic type of composition for a turkish blend coffee. However, while brainstorming ideas with my professor a idea popped in my head "what if we place a plush recliner in the middle of the rainforest and call it Colombian Cozy" we both laughed and moved on to the next idea. Later that week with a little free time on my hands, I thought even if I wasn't going to use the image for the assignment it would still be a interesting image to take up space on my hard drive so why not. Low and behold it came out pretty spectacular, so I went with it and the class got a good laugh out of it. Overall, this little project was a win.